Friday, May 11, 2007

He Made a Special Trip Just to Get a Pint of AmeriCone Dream

Bump Report: At the Dupont Circle Ben and Jerry’s, there were two pregnant women with their yoga mats, eating low-fat frozen yogurt. They watched disapprovingly as Bump spooned bite after bite of chocolate ice cream into Lumpyhead’s greedy maw.

Yes ladies, that child’s mother does know what his father is feeding him. And she’s fine with it.

Also, AmeriCone Dream is pretty good.


SitDown.BeQuiet.ISaidNo... said...

Poor Daddy -- no video of him taking baby to ice cream, just of the fart scenario. ;) I think ice cream could make him gassy, watch out!

Em said...

I heartily approve if it makes Bump happy and Colbert's ego bigger!

Violet said...

we give our kid ice cream way too often to be healthy. But at least she'll eat it instead of throwing it all over the floor and rubbing it into her hair.

Jill said...

What!? I started spooning ice cream into my babies mouths when they were six months old and now we all make thrice weekly trips to the neighborhood ice cream shop. . . . Of course, maybe that isn't the best practice . . . I better go think on that some more.

Anonymous said...

No wonder he got so excited when I asked if he wanted an ice cube, but he thought I said "ice cream."

Tell him even if I had the ice cream, it probably would have been store bought, not Ben and Jerry's.