Friday, May 16, 2008

Wail! Gasp. Sob.

The last few times I've gone to get a corn dog they have been out. This afternoon the lady behind the counter told me they weren't selling them any more. "It was fun while it lasted, though, huh?" she said cheerfully.

I couldn't tell if she was making fun of me or not.

I'm crushed.


Anonymous said...

My husband LOVES corn dogs. He'd be crying right there with you.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...


Anne said...

It is so much worse to offer corn dogs and take them away than it would be to never have them at all. Sigh.

Delora said...

Which means you probably just ate up the last remnants of their 3 year old supply. Your indigestion will thank the lady behind the counter for you.

Teresita said...

Can they do that?

nonlineargirl said...

Wow, that's crap. Maybe you can drown your sorrows in jojos?