Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Dead Dog, a Dickhead, and the Former Vice President Walk Into a Blog

My friend ElectricYoak is a teaching assistant for a fancy-pants grad-school class. His dog died yesterday. Among the email back-and-forth, he sent me this:

One of my duties is to prepare the powerpoint and I use my computer for the lecture. Even though I uninstalled it, I still have this fear that when Vice President Mondale is lecturing from my computer a "Hey Dickhead" IM is going to pop up on the big screen in front of 200 people.

I’m so honored that he thinks of me every Tuesday.

Oh, and if the mood strikes you, go send his lovely wife - the primary owner of the much-loved Loyd - your condolences on her awful loss.


Anonymous said...

His dog was the vice president?

Auntly H said...

Thank you, LHM.

Violet said...

It would certainly be an ice breaker.