Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Would Prefer "Garten" to be Preceded by "Beer." Or "Ina"

Lumpyhead starts kindergarten tomorrow. His backpack is loaded, school supplies have been delivered, and his lunch account is funded. He met his teacher last week, visited the school, and tested the playground. We've been working on the pep talk all summer, and he's excited. He's ready.

I'm not sure I am.


Beth Fish said...

Mia too. Me neither. Wanna meet me at 9:30 for a stiff drink?

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

1) Preferably beer.

2) He will be fine. He will be better than fine. He reads better than most teachers.

Violet said...

He's only just started kindy? That kid looks way older!

Anonymous said...

Haha the beer thing makes me laugh.