Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Bumper Stickers

I'm afraid I am irredeemably out of touch with the mainstream nutjob movement. The other night when I saw an "I Choose Liberty" bumper sticker, all I could think was "What was the other option?"

Because, you know. When I think "Liberty or . . ." the first word that leaps to mind is Death. And if those are my options, then yes, I would choose Liberty too. But what if I could have had a bacon cheeseburger or liberty? Then I'm not so sure.


Julie said...

I heart you so much.

Violet said...

Maybe it's a pre-presidential election statement and the driver was a Libertarian?

Sarah said...

I mean, liberty is cool, but a bacon cheeseburger has bacon. Right?

Aunt Bob said...

Maybe it's a college sports bumper sticker. Like I choose Liberty (as opposed to, say, Coastal Carolina).

Just sayin'

Unknown said...

Maybe its a shot at "pro-lifers". That's what mine is for. I DO insist on Liberty or Death. Life is for nut huggers, if its life under a yoke. Glad to clarify for you.