The end is near.
This is my last week of maternity leave; I return to work next Monday. I’m not ready.
I imagine I would not be ready if I were returning to work after three months of maternity leave, or six months of maternity leave, or even a year.
But Lula is nowhere close to sleeping through the night yet; her long stretches of sleep are about three and half hours. Currently, Bump and I take turns napping during the day, but once I return to work neither of us will be able to do that. I’ll need to be semi-functional during the workday, and Lumpyhead will wake up between 8 and 9, expecting to be fed and entertained. I hope Lumpyhead and Lula’s nap schedules will coincide to give Bump a little much-needed rest during the day, but honestly, neither Bump nor I anticipate that will happen.
I know that in many ways, I am lucky. My office has been great about allowing me to set my own timetable. I don’t have to worry about childcare placement. Many parents in my situation get only a week of leave. (Granted, those parents have penises and didn’t push anything out of anywhere, but I can’t really use convalescence as a reason to remain on leave.)
The real trick is emotional, not physical. I’m no longer in pain. I don’t get exhausted after walking short distances any more. I’ve self-medicated a few rounds of the baby blues with brownies and a buttload of mini candy bars. I feel like I’ve recovered from childbirth. But how do you recover from new motherhood?
I will miss seeing Lumpyhead all day. Lula will morph from a floppy-necked, cross-eyed newborn to a squishy, chubby-cheeked infant, and I’ll only see that transformation a few hours at a time. I’ll be looking at pictures of her while I pump at work, wondering what she and her dad and her brother are doing right then, picturing an idyllic scene with a sleeping Lula and giggling Lumpyhead.
In the meantime, Lula will be squealing while Bump tries to put Lumpyhead down for a nap, or Bump will be struggling to find a way to take a dump yet prevent Lumpyhead from poking at Lula’s eyes, or Lula will be peeing all over the changing table at the exact moment Lumpyhead decides to drop a Level 3 Code Brown.
(I guess this is more apocalyptic than I originally thought.)
I return to work in seven days. I'm not ready.