Friday, January 12, 2007

Holiday Card Follow Up

(The Holiday Card post)

I'm totally floored that there are people out there who aren't interested in seeing the grownups and would rather get pictures of just the babies. Holy cow! My mind, it has been blown.

I guess it makes sense. I assume everyone out there sends out the type of holiday card they like to receive (Right? I mean, otherwise you're just a jerk). It's logical that the people who send out those three-page Jesus-heavy letters like to get them, too. (I mean for real, not just for the entertainment factor like some people)

I hereby issue this decree: you don't have to send a picture of yourself in your holiday card if you're not interested in seeing the other grownups. I can develop a two-tier system in which some people on my list get a (much easier for me, much cuter) picture of just Lumpyhead - oops, and his sister, next year - and the others will get a picture of the whole family (in front of the Capitol Christmas tree as has become our custom, so it will probably be mailed late; and at least half of us will look stupid, because that's just the way it is).

More importantly, I'm vowing to make good on Bump's response to Violet's comment and send a few holiday cards to people we don't know. I thought about doing the ransom demand format - just a photo card and no note - but I think I'll do the whole package: letter, picture, our real return address . . . everything. Everything my Aunt Karen gets, random stranger will get.

So here's where I need your help: send me some random strangers. Email me (lumpyheadsmom at gmail dot com) the name and snail mail address of someone you know (and who doesn't know us, obviously) who deserves and appreciates a good prank, and we'll send them a holiday card next year. I'll leave it up to you to let them in on the joke after they get the card, but if you're like me, you will have completely forgotten about this by next Christmas. And I think it's much better to leave them wondering anyway.


Anonymous said...


I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

It's funny you say this, because we received a photo card from strangers this year. We kept it as it didn't have a return address on it. What we learned from the photos is that little Boykin (yeah you heard me, BOYKIN) just turned one and can walk. He had a lovely party hat.
My 4 year old spent a lot of time going through the details in the picture, gleaning info about Boykin.

Anonymous said...

Damn! My best candidates now read your blog so they're not really 100% strangers. I'm going to have to work on this....

Anonymous said...

you crack me up! Since we probably have no real life friends in commmon (that I know of) I may have to join your fun idea!

Violet said...

It could be spooky for them if we supplied you with enough details about our chosen "victim" so that you could write asking after their children by name, and so on.

And as an addendum to my earlier comment, we used to always send Christmas cards back to that person who sent us cards.

Lumpyheadsmom said...

Violet, that would pump up the awesome factor about a thousand-fold. Yes, please include spooky details for your victims, and we'll use them.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I have to send you an address. I have the perfect one.