Lumpyhead started making this face. We have no idea where he picked it up, or why he does it.
He’s also started doing this little tripod thing. At least it seems to make him happy.

Scowler Monkey
Lumpyhead scowls. Often. It’s usually when Bump or I fail to comply immediately with one of his demands, or when one of his toys vexes him, or when he’s just not pleased with the way things are progressing.
Bump and I tried to replicate it the other night after Lumpyhead had gone to bed. Usually when we mimic Lumpyhead, one of us is dead-on (which figures, since he probably inherited it from somewhere, right?), but neither of us could do it justice. We thought it was odd that neither of us could convincingly reproduce The Scowl.
The big, sweet smile is fleeting, but The Scowl? The Scowl he’ll hold for as long as necessary.

Oh, and I’m Fat
I’ve already gained 30 pounds this pregnancy, and I’ve got a trimester to go. The fat trimester.
After telling Teresa at lunch on Friday that “at least my hands and feet aren’t swollen this time,” my hands promptly puffed up like frightened blowfish.
He employed the scowl when Joel ate a cookie and failed to give him some. It's a look that will serve him well.
30 pounds -- you're not even up to your beer-drinkin' weight yet! Believe me, I know.
Love the scowl! He's hilarious. (Sorry, daylight savings is killing me today. That's as witty as the commenting gets from me.)
Damn he's getting big! Love the facial expressions...
Hmm, he must be psychically linked to Ada, who does the same scowly thing. OBEY, says the scowl, OBEY!
That is the greatest scowl picture in the world. Man that is so framable.
I gained 29 the first time but 57 the second. Feel better? You are doing great.
30? Not impressed. Write back when you hit 200lbs.
I too am thorougly amused by the scowl. I love that you got it on camera.
The standing on his head kinda thing was always identified by our household as yoga: the downward facing dog. Both my kids did it too, but I have no idea if that means it is "normal."
Best scowl ever.
Oooo - sorry about the swelling. I feel responsible.
I want him to teach me how to do that scowl. I think it would work very well on opposing counsel.
Good scowling! (That he may have learned from Claudia. Sorry.)
But the smile... the smile...
And the Queen with her 200 lbs, has nothing on me. Hell, she SAW me in the hospital when I was 222. This is why normal people have one baby at a time.
That Lumpy is one avid scowler! Aye-dorable!!
My son did that tripod thing too and my nanny told me that she and the other nannies were all talking about it because it meant a new baby was on the way. Not the case in my case, but true in yours!
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